Saturday 31 December 2016


I'm an average, working, middle-aged mother, nothing special about me.  I am usually on the brink of losing my shit though.

I’ve been tinkering with the idea of a blog for a while now, and some of my chums have encouraged the idea that I should write things because, basically, I’m always mouthing off on Facebook.  I’m not a writer, I have no knowledge of the rules of writing, and quite often I struggle with apostrophes.  But I’m going to give it a crack.  There’s been lots of things that I wish I’d written down over the years so I could remember them now.

This blog will not be about a particular thing.  I’m quite an angry person so it will probably contain lots of moaning and ranting, definitely lots of swearing (so if you’re offended by that sort of thing I’d probably not bother if I were you), probably some stuff about my job (office job, nothing special), kids (one of whom hates me), and boyfriend (the terms ‘partner’, ‘significant other’, and ‘better half’ all make me want to vomit so ‘boyfriend’ it is I’m afraid).  It will just be about my life really.  It won't be very interesting to most people.  But I think it will help me.

I’ve always struggled with my emotions.  I have very low lows and very high highs, and this has an impact on everyone else around me.  So sometimes my rantings may make no sense whatsoever.  Whatever.

Also I’m not very technical, so if there’s a bit that says ‘insert text here’ it’s because I don’t really know how to navigate this blog thing.  Sorry about that.

So let’s start 2017 and see what happens.  My fridge is broken.

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